Fra Bartolomeo, noto anche con lo pseudonimo di Baccio della Porta (Sofignano - Prato, 21 agosto 1473 – Firenze, 31 ottobre 1517), è stato un pittore italiano, frate domenicano. italiana e inglese, L'Olimpo sul soffitto. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. - Pittore (Soffignano, Prato, 1472 - Pian del Mugnone, Fiesole, 1517). Despite Bartolommeo’s assimilation of the progressive currents of his time, his art is restrained, conservative, and somewhat severe, and he painted religious subjects almost exclusively. Catherine of Siena and Mary Magdalene. Architettura, scultura, pittura, Feste di corte e di popolo Bartolommeo's influence spread through his lively drawings, but the San Marco workshop closed soon after his death. He incorporated Leonardo da Vinci's smooth harmonies, spiritual feeling, and sfumato into his work. All Getty Research Institute Publications, Conservation Perspectives, The GCI Newsletter, GCI Reference Collection (for materials analysis), Research Assistance at GCI Information Center, Links to Cultural Heritage Policy Documents. Holy Family, Fra' Bartolomeo (Baccio della Porta) (Italy, Florence, 1472-1517), Italy, circa 1497, Paintings, Oil on canvas. He spent all his career in Florence until his mid-forties, when he travelled to work in various cities, as far south as Rome. 1913-Vasari-le-Vite-pag-521-Bartolomeo-di-S-Marco.jpg 651 × 886; 174 KB Soon thereafter, Raphael visited Florence and befriended the friar. A mule driver's son, the young artist born as Baccio della Porta studied with a local painter, then worked with Ghirlandaio's conservative workshop. His father, a muleteer and carter, moved the family to a house outside the Porta San Pier Gattolini just a few years later, and the young boy soon became known as 'Baccio' (an informal and affectionate Tuscan diminutive for Bartolommeo) 'della Porta'. Fra Bartolommeo's art reflects the development of Florentine art from the detailed realism of the 1400s to the idealized grandeur, compositional simplicity, and rhythmic movement of the High Renaissance style of the 1500s. Think you know your artists? By 1508 he was the foremost artist of the Florentine school. Try to remember if these famous names were painters or architects. Seeing no distinction between life and art, he allegedly burned his non-religious works and depictions of nudes, considering them sinful. At the beginning of 1508 Bartolomeo moved to Venice to paint a Holy Father, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Catherine of Siena for the Dominicans of San Pietro Martire in Murano, influenced somewhat by Venetian colorism. Fra Bartolomeo painted both in oils and fresco, and some of his drawings are pure landscape sketches that are the earliest of this type from Italy. From then until 1508 he developed parallel with Raphael - though Raphael's was the more imaginative genius - each contributing something to the new High Renaissance type of Madonna with Saints, in which the figure of the Madonna acts not merely as a centre but as a pivot about which the whole composition turns. In 1508 Fra Bartolommeo visited Venice, where he assimilated the Venetian painters’ use of richer colour harmonies. Corrections? His style acquired a solemn restraint and monumentality that made him one of the purest representatives of the High Renaissance {The Mystical Marriage of St Catherine, Louvre, Paris, 1511). Vol. Our latest podcast episode features popular TED speaker Mara Mintzer. His portrait of Savonarola remains the most famous image of the reformer. Fra Bartolomeo or Bartolommeo OP (28 March 1472 – 31 October 1517), also known as Bartolommeo di Pagholo, Bartolommeo di S. Marco, and his original name Baccio della Porta, was an Italian Renaissance painter of religious subjects. A mule driver's son, the young artist born as Baccio della Porta studied with a local painter, then worked with Ghirlandaio's conservative workshop. (b. He spent all his career in Florence until his mid-forties, when he travelled to work in various cities, as far south as Rome. The following year he entered the convent of San Marco. In 1490 or 1491 he began a collaboration with Mariotto Albertinelli. Also in this vein were his large frescoes of St. Mark and St. Sebastian on the wall at San Marco in Florence. The full text of the article is here →,, Woman Kneeling in Prayer, Seen from Behind (study for the Figure of St Catherine), Madonna and Child with Saint Anne and the patron saints of Florence, The Rest on the Flight into Egypt with St. John the Baptist, Vision of St Bernard with Sts Benedict and John the Evangelist. The two artists also evolved a new treatment, first adumbrated by Leonardo, of the theme of the Madonna and Child with the Infant St John in a Landscape. He renounced painting for several years, not resuming until 1504 when he became the head of the monastery workshop in obedience to his superior. Fra Bartolomeo or Bartolommeo OP (28 March 1472 – 31 October 1517), also known as Bartolommeo di Pagholo, Bartolommeo di S. Marco, and his original name Baccio della Porta, was an Italian Renaissance painter of religious subjects. The St. Sebastian, an ornamental pendant, was later purchased by King Henry I of France. Segni d'arte. Biography. Among such works are his God the Father with SS. Bartolommeo visited Rome in 1514, where he saw Raphael’s mature work and Michelangelo’s frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I due Tiepolo tra Venezia e l'Europa. His original name was Baccio della Porta, but he changed his name to Fra Bartolomeo when he became a Dominican friar. The following year he was commissioned a fresco of the Universal Judgement for the Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova, completed by Albertinelli and Giuliano Bugiardini when Baccio became a Dominican friar on July 26, 1500. In 1498, when he saw Florence's convent of San Marco stormed and its strict, charismatic prior Savonarola dragged to prison, Baccio vowed to become a monk; he became Fra Bartolommeo in 1500. firenzei reneszánsz festő. Back in Florence soon afterward, he painted a number of calm and simple religious pictures in which monumental figures are grouped in balanced compositions and portrayed with a dense and somewhat shadowy atmospheric treatment. Florentine painter. Bartolommeo served as an apprentice in the workshop of Cosimo Rosselli and then formed a workshop with the painter Mariotto Albertinelli. After training with Cosimo Rosselli, he was deeply influenced by the preaching of Savonarola and entered the Dominican Order in 1500, giving up painting until 1504. His early works, such as the Annunciation (1497), were influenced by the balanced compositions of the Umbrian painter Perugino and by the sfumato (smoky effect of light and shade) of Leonardo da Vinci. A mule driver's son, the young artist born as Baccio della Porta studied with a local painter, then worked with Ghirlandaio's conservative workshop. Every effort has been made to accurately determine the rights status of works and their images. As the Dominicans did not pay for the work, he took it back to Lucca, where it can be seen now. Fra Bartolomeo (Baccio della Porta, eredeti neve Bartolommeo Pagholo del Fattorino; Fra= Frate, Firenze, 1472. március 28. Visione di san Bernardo con san Benedetto, Visione di san Bernardo con san Benedetto (dett), (pubblicita' ads contenuti corrispondenti), Fra Bartolomeo. Di umili origini, suo padre era un carrettiere, venne affidato, bambino alla bottega di Cosimo Rosselli, dove restò fino a quando, ventenne formò un laboratorio con l'amico Mariotto Albertinelli proveniente dalla stessa bottega. Influenced by the preaching of the Florentine Dominican religious reformer Girolamo Savonarola, Bartolommeo joined a convent in 1500, and in 1501 he gave up painting and joined the Dominican order. He was instructed to resume painting for the benefit of his order in 1504, and then developed an idealized High Renaissance style, seen in his Vision of St Bernard of that year, now in poor condition but whose "figures and drapery move with a seraphic grace that must have struck the young Raphael with the force of revelation". Catherine of Siena and Mary Magdalene (1509) and the Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine (1512). View sold price and similar items: *BACCIO DELLA PORTA, CALLED FRA BARTOLOMMEO (1472-1517) from Sotheby's on January 4, 0102 12:00 AM EST. After training with Cosimo Rosselli, he was deeply influenced by the preaching of Savonarola and entered the Dominican Order in 1500, giving up painting until 1504. 1: Dalla preistoria al gotico. …1515, Florence), painter associated with, Mariotto Albertinelli, painter associated with. He trained with Cosimo Roselli and in the 1490s fell under the influence of Savonarola, which led him to become a Dominican friar in 1500, renouncing painting for several years. The artist known to posterity as Fra Bartolommeo was born and baptized in Florence on 28 March 1472. 15-feb-2017 - Esplora la bacheca "fra bartolomeo della porta o Baccio" di giancarlo frequenti, seguita da 177 persone su Pinterest. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. nell'Italia del primo Rinascimento. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. In that year he began a Vision of St. Bernard for Bernardo Bianco's family chapel in the Badia Fiorentina, finished in 1507. His landscapes are among the most notable of his time. Updates and additions stemming from research and imaging activities are ongoing, with new content added each week. Biography. In 1498, when he saw Florence's convent of San Marco stormed and its strict, charismatic prior Savonarola dragged to prison, Baccio vowed to become a monk ; he became Fra Bartolommeo in 1500. Fra Bartolomeo, conosciuto anche come Bartolomeo della Porta e Baccio della Porta, pittore italiano del primo Rinascimento, nasce a Firenze il 28 Marzo 1472. Risentì dapprima lo stile di C. Rosselli, suo maestro, e del Ghirlandaio. He spent all his career in Florence until his mid-forties, when … He trained with Cosimo Roselli and in the 1490s fell under the influence of Savonarola, which led him to become a Dominican friar in 1500, renouncing painting for several years. Fra Bartolomeo or Bartolommeo OP, also known as Bartolommeo di Pagholo, Bartolommeo di S. Marco, and his original name Baccio della Porta, was an Italian Renaissance painter of religious subjects. In response Bartolommeo’s art took on a greater power of dramatic expression, as in the Madonna della Misericordia (1515) and the Pietà (c. 1515). This is a part of the Wikipedia article used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). Visualizza altre idee su Arte rinascimentale, Pittore, Rinascimento italiano. Eager to stay abreast of his contemporaries artistic advances, he visited Venice that year and Rome around 1514. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Fra Bartolommeo, God the Father with SS. Florentine painter. In the late 1490s Baccio was drawn to the teachings of Fra Girolamo Savonarola, who denounced what he viewed as vain and corrupt contemporary art. On November 26, 1510 Pier Soderini commissioned him an altarpiece for the Sala del Consiglio of Florence, now in the Museum of San Marco. Fra Bartolomeo eli Fra Bartolommeo (di Pagholo) (1472 – 1517), alkuperäiseltä kutsumanimeltään Baccio della Porta, oli italialainen renessanssitaiteilija, … Also in Lucca, in the October 1509, he painted by Albertinelli an altarpiece with Madonna and Child with Saints for the local cathedral. Two years later he finished another altarpiece for the cathedral of Besançon. Updates? After training with Cosimo Rosselli, he was deeply influenced by the preaching of Savonarola and entered the Dominican Order in 1500, giving up painting until 1504. 1473, Firenze, d. 1517, Pian' di Mugnone). La Pietà di Pitti restaurata, Disegni di fra' Bartolommeo e della sua scuola. Omissions? Please contact Museum Rights and Reproductions if you have further information on the rights status of a work contrary or in addition to the information in our records. In 1504, like Fra Angelico years before him, Fra Bartolommeo ran the San Marco monastery workshop. Bartolomèo, fra (detto Bàccio della Porta). His original name was Baccio della Porta, but he changed his name to Fra Bartolomeo … Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He remained friends with Raphael, and each influenced the other. Fra Bartolomeo or Bartolommeo OP, also known as Bartolommeo di Pagholo, Bartolommeo di S. Marco, and his original name Baccio della Porta, was an Italian Renaissance painter of religious subjects. Catalogo, Il gotico. Florentine painter. Discepolo del Savonarola, ne piange il supplizio, e nel 1500 veste l’abito di San Domenico, professando nel convento di S. Marco, di dove non esce che per un viaggio a Venezia e per un soggiorno di due mesi in Roma. His original name was Baccio della Porta, but he changed his name to Fra Bartolomeo … To stress the gulf between the divine and the earthly, Bartolommeo was among the first artists to replace contemporary costume with nondescript drapery. From 1498 is his famous portrait of Savonarola, now in the Museo Nazionale di San Marco in Florence. The purity of lines and volumes in one of his paintings inspired the young Raphael. Help us improve our records by sharing your corrections or suggestions. He was born in Savignano di Prato, Tuscany. Ediz. He began painting again in 1504, producing devotional paintings mostly at the service of his order. Fra Bartolommeo was a brilliant draughtsman and the mystical element in his nature is expressed in his drawings, which escape the tendency to empty rhetoric occasionally shown in his later paintings. Fra Bartolommeo, Bartolommeo also spelled Bartolomeo, also called Bartolomeo della Porta or Baccio della Porta, (born March 28, 1472, Florence [Italy]—died Oct. 31, 1517, Florence), painter who was a prominent exponent in early 16th-century Florence of the High Renaissance style. Fra Bartolommeo, Bartolommeo also spelled Bartolomeo, also called Bartolomeo della Porta or Baccio della Porta, (born March 28, 1472, Florence [Italy]—died Oct. 31, 1517, Florence), painter who was a prominent exponent in early 16th-century Florence of the High Renaissance style. Fra Bartolommeo, Bartolommeo also spelled Bartolomeo, also called Bartolomeo della Porta or Baccio della Porta, (born March 28, 1472, Florence [Italy]—died Oct. 31, 1517, Florence), painter who was a prominent exponent in early 16th-century Florence of the High Renaissance style. His Vision of St. Bernard (completed 1507) shows him achieving the transition from the subtle grace of late Quattrocento painting to the monumentality of the High Renaissance style. Életpályája. Media in category "Fra Bartolomeo" The following 20 files are in this category, out of 20 total. Fra Bartolomeo eli Fra Bartolommeo (di Pagholo) (1472 – 1517), alkuperäiseltä kutsumanimeltään Baccio della Porta, oli italialainen renessanssitaiteilija, … Starting from 1483 or 1484, by recommendation of Benedetto da Maiano, he apprenticed in the workshop of Cosimo Rosselli. Savonarola argued for art serving as a direct visual illustration of the Bible to educate those unable to read the book. Fra Bartolomeo, Baccio della Porta, Bartolommeo di Paoli del Fattorino, Bartolommeo da San Marco, Fra Bartolommeo, (Baccio della Porta), Fra Bartolommeo, (Bartolommeo da San Marco), Baccio della Porta, called Fra Bartolommeo Baccio della Porta, called Fra Bartolommeo Date … His drawings include not only figure studies, but also landscape and nature studies. He was one of the greatest painters of his time. Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo had all left Florence by 1509 and in the second decade of the century Fra Bartolommeo was rivalled only by Andrea del Sarto as the leading painter in the city, which he left only briefly for visits to Venice in 1508 and Rome in 1514. Dalla tradizione gotica al primo Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. – Firenze, 1517. október 31.) Bartolomeo learned perspective from the younger artist, while Raphael added skills in coloring and handling of drapery, which was noticeable in the works he produced after their meeting. Fra Bartolomeo o Baccio della Porta (1475-1517) comincia a studiare con Cosimo Rosselli, e lavora con Mariotto Albertinelli. With Raphael, he remained on the friendliest terms, and when he departed from Rome, left in his hands two unfinished pictures which Raphael completed. In 1499 Bartolommeo was commissioned to paint a large-scale fresco, The Last Judgment, for one of the cemetery chapels in Santa Maria Nuova. In 1498, when he saw Florence's convent of San Marco stormed and its strict, charismatic prior Savonarola dragged to prison, Baccio vowed to become a monk ; he became Fra Bartolommeo in 1500. His production of drawings and preparatory sketches shows a delicate sensitivity and technical superiority. Rinascimento. This information is published from the Museum's collection database. He received the nickname of Baccio della Porta for his house was near the Gate of San Pier Gattolini.
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