Within the first two weeks of the year, hundreds of protests and looting incidents occurred throughout the country. [4][5][6][7][8], A mobilización foi motivada pola loita contra a violencia contra as mulleres, a desigualdade de xénero e as distintas formas de opresión contra as mulleres. Europe's financial markets will be more integrated, safer and easier to access thanks to steps mapped out by the Commission in its FinTech action plan. Note that terrorism related to drug wars and cartel violence is not included in these lists. El resumen del día, las comillas de un jueves en la historia, lo puso la Comisión 8 de Marzo: "Hemos puesto al machismo y la desigualdad en todas las casas, ... 08/03/2018 22:58 horas. [35][36][37], Día Internacional para a Eliminación da Violencia contra a Muller, "Por qué mujeres del todo el mundo planean hacer huelga el 8 de Marzo", "Hacia la huelga feminista del 8-M: el día en el que las mujeres intentarán parar el mundo", "Las mujeres preparan el Paro Internacional del 8 de marzo - TN.com.ar", "Una huelga feminista sin fronteras, de Argentina a Kurdistán", "Distintos países, un mismo grito contra la desigualdad", "Paro Internacional de Mujeres: multitudinaria asamblea para organizar el 8M - TN.com.ar", "Parar para mover todo. [12] A convocatoria foi especialmente activa internacionalmente nos anos 2000 e 2001.[13]. Foi convocada por organizacións feministas e aliadas da loita polos dereitos das mulleres en todo o mundo. [9], Os sindicatos apoiaron o paro nalgúns países, aínda que a modalidade deste apoio foi un tema de debate. march, 14, model 2014/2015: cup of tea? O 3 de outubro de 2016 realizouse unha protesta masiva en Polonia, bautizada como "luns negro", contra un proxecto de lei que criminalizaba o aborto, incluíndo o aborto espontáneo e a interrupción do embarazo como consecuencia dunha violación. [19], As mobilizacións do 8 de marzo de 2018 foron preparadas en máis de 70 países por múltiples organizacións, colectivos e activistas a nivel nacional e local. Unha das principais reivindicacións foi "por unha sociedade libre de violencia machista", cuxa manifestación máis visible é a agresión e asasinato de mulleres polo só feito de ser mulleres. Tamén se reivindicaron os dereitos laborais das mulleres, afectados pola precarización, a fenda salarial e o acoso sexual no lugar de traballo. [15] De igual xeito, o 25 de novembro de 2017 sucedéronse importantes manifestacións polo Día Internacional para a Eliminación da Violencia contra a Muller en varios países. A última edición desta páxina foi o 7 de agosto de 2020 ás 20:58. Desde esta perspectiva, os homes debían acompañar, asumindo as tarefas laborais e de coidados que quedasen sen atención e participar con outro tipo de accións que contribuísen a visibilizar o protagonismo das mulleres. Estas asembleas non responderon a unha organización centralizada e foron convocadas a nivel local, xeralmente en espazos públicos como prazas, con convocatorias que foron desde algunhas decenas a máis de mil participantes, como a que tivo lugar en Buenos Aires o 8 de febreiro de 2018. FinTech action plan: For a more competitive and innovative European financial sector, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, Follow the European Commission on social media. Incidents are limited to one per location per day. Reivindicouse o traballo reprodutivo (traballo doméstico e traballo de coidados)[34] fundamental para soster a vida dos seres humanos e que, indicaban, é desempeñado maioritariamente por mulleres e non recoñecido. He's begging President Trump to protect those who survived", "How a survivor of the Florida school shooting became the victim of an online conspiracy", "Abducted Dapchi Girls in 'Boko Haram town' in Yobe, Claims Rep", "FG: Boko Haram abducted 113 — NOT 110 — persons from Dapchi school - TheCable", "A Bombing in Northern Myanmar Signals Strife Beyond the Rohingya", "Security forces launch manhunt for Yoma Bank bombing suspect", "Somalia: Up to 38 killed in car bomb attacks in Mogadishu", "Death toll from Somalia blasts rises to 45: government official", "Four detained, reportedly facing terrorism charges, after Sittwe bombings", "Deadly attacks by extremists strike Burkina Faso capital", "At least 30 dead as French embassy comes under attack in Burkina Faso", "Das Protokoll: So lief Terror-Attentat in Wien ab", "Vienna knife attacker had radical Islamist sympathies, Austria says", "9 paramilitary troopers killed in Naxal attack in central India", "9 CRPF men killed in blast triggered by Naxals in Chhattisgarh", "Austin Serial Bombing Suspect Identified as Mark Anthony Conditt", "Dozens Killed In New Year Attack In Kabul", "ISIS suicide bomber kills 33 in Kabul as Afghans celebrate new year", "Fourteen killed in explosion outside busy hotel in Somalia's capital", "France terror attack: Hero policeman married hours before he died", "Six Turkish village guards killed in PKK attack in Turkey's Siirt", "Somalia: Al-Shabaab raids AU military base, kills 59", "Al-Shabaab attacks AU base in Somalia: security official", "Al-Shabaab attack kills dozens of Ugandan soldiers in Somalia", "Ten killed in Iraq funeral bombing - local official", "Islamic State claims responsibility killing, injuring tens of people in blasts, north of Salahuddin", "25 قتيلاً ضحايا هجوم استهدف مشيعين في قضاء الشرقاط بالعراق", "Assaut contre la Minusma et Barkhane au Mali: "une attaque sans précédent, "Attaque à Tombouctou contre les casques bleus et les soldats français", "Public Health Revises Death Toll To 52 In Kabul Bombing", "Death toll from Kabul attack soars to 69", "Photographer among dead in Kabul blasts", "Death Toll Rises To 29 In Kabul Explosion", "Nigeria mosque attack death toll rises to 86", "More than 60 killed in suicide blasts at mosque in Nigeria", "Suicide militants storm HQ of Libya's election commission, 12 dead", "At Least 16 Killed in Islamic State Attack on Libya's Electoral Commission", "Indonesian prison riot leaves five officers and one prisoner dead", "Mako Brimob riot: Islamic State claims standoff with anti-terror squad", "One killed in Paris 'terror' knife attack", "Korban Tewas Teror Bom Surabaya 28 Orang, 57 Luka", "Tiga Teror Bom di Jatim Tewaskan 26 Orang", "Islamic State claims responsibility for Indonesian church attacks:...", "Church security officer latest fatality of Surabaya church bombings", "1 dead, 3 injured in sword attack on Indonesian police headquarters", "Netralnews.com - This is Identity of Victims of Terrorist Attack in Riau Police HQ", "Fusillade à Liège: une instruction a été ouverte pour présomption d'infraction terroriste", "Ce que l'on sait des victimes de l'attaque à Liège", "Le ministre Jan Jambon confirme: Benjamin Herman a bien tué Michael Wilmet lundi soir à Marche-en-Famenne", "8 injured in assassination plot on Zimbabwe's president", "Zimbabwe police says 49 people injured in Bulawayo blast", "Zimbabwe Vice President says Saturday's explosion was 'act of...", "Deadly blast hits eastern Afghan city, targeting Sikh minority", "IS Claims Suicide Bombing and Targeting of Afghan President Ghani in Jalalabad", "Al Shabaab fighters attack Somalia police HQ after twin bombings", "Al-Shabab Launches Deadly Assaults in Somali Capital", "Somalia: 14 security officials arrested over Interior Ministry attack", "Suicide bomber kills ANP candidate, supporters at election rally", "TTP claims responsibility for Peshawar blast", "22 Martyred Including Haroon Bilour, 75 Injured In A Suicide Blast In Peshawar, Interior Minister Presents Report In Senate", "Bomb blast in Pakistan election rally; five killed, 37 injured- News Nation", "Page 1, 14 July 2018 Roznama Mashriq - Peshawar", "Mastung suicide blast martyrs 128, including BAP candidate Siraj Raisani", "Death toll in Mastung suicide attack in Pakistan rises to 149", "Suicide bomb kills 1, wounds election candidate in Pakistan", "Critically Injured Police Constables In Suicide Attack Dies In Peshawar", "Pakistan election: At least 31 people killed in explosion at Quetta polling station", "Quetta: Death toll jumps to 31 in election day blast", "More than 220 dead in IS attacks on southern Syria", "Islamic State kills 215 in southwest Syria attacks: local official", "People and residents of al-Suwaidaa reveal to SOHR details of the death coming from the east", "IS shows 'Tajik tourist killers' in video", "Anschlag in Tadschikistan - Bundesanwaltschaft ermittelt nach Attacke auf Velofahrer", "Video Purports to Show Tajikistan Attackers Pledging Allegiance to ISIS", "Islamic State claims southern Philippine blast that killed 11", "Child, women among 10 dead in Basilan blast", "Al menos 48 muertos por un atentado suicida contra un centro educativo en Kabul", "Death Toll Climbs To 48 In Kabul Classroom Explosion - TOLOnews", "Kabul bomber kills 48 in tuition centre", "Cornellà: Hombre abatido por los Mossos en la comisaría de Cornellà", "Knifeman killed at Spanish police station", "Military links BIFF to Sultan Kudarat blast", "Police investigate possible terror link to double stabbing at Amsterdam station", "Las dos víctimas del apuñalamiento del viernes en Ámsterdam son ciudadanas de EEUU", "UPDATE: 2 killed, 15 injured in another bombing in Sultan Kudarat", "1 dead, 15 injured as another explosion hits Isulan, Sultan Kudarat", https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-45387620, "At least 6 killed, 14 injured in suicide bombing on government office in Mogadishu", "At least 20 people killed in separate bombings at Kabul wrestling club", "Afghanistan conflict: Bombers kill 20 at Kabul sports club", "Afghanistan: Deadly blasts target Kabul sports club", "Death toll from Kabul sports club attack rises to 26", "2 killed in armed attack on Libyan oil corporation headquarters", "Libya: National Oil Corporation's Tripoli offices attacked", "At Least 32 Killed In Suicide Attack On Protesters In Eastern Afghanistan", "Dozens killed and injured in suicide attack at Afghan protest", "Bombing in Afghanistan Kills at Least 32 at Peaceful Protest", "Afghanistan: Death toll soars to 68 in suicide bomb attack", "Eleven killed in China as car plows into square, driver attacks people", "At Least 11 Die as Driver Plows Into Crowd in China", "Man sentenced to death for vehicle attack in southern China", "Islamic state's Amaq agency posts video of men allegedly involved Iran attack", "Gunmen kill at least 25 in attack on annual military parade in Iran", "Gunmen attack Iran military parade, killing at least 25", "At Least 25 Dead, 60 Wounded In Military Parade Attack In Iran", "Two Israelis killed, one injured, in West Bank shooting 'terror attack, "Two Israelis shot dead by Palestinian in West Bank, army says", "9 sugar workers slain in Negros Occidental hacienda", "NPA may be behind Negros Occidental attack — PNP", "Alarma en EEUU por el envío de paquetes con material explosivo a Obama, los Clinton y CNN, entre otros", Kroger Shooting Suspect Tried to Enter Black Church Before Killing 2, Police Say, "Kroger Shooting Suspect Is Charged With Hate Crimes in Killings of 2 Black People", "11 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue", https://www.lavanguardia.com/internacional/20181027/452573450628/tiroteo-pittsburgh-estados-unidos-sinagoga.html, "Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Identified As Robert Bowers, Yelled 'All Jews Must Die' As He Opened Fire", "Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: Multiple dead, 6 injured", "5 Killed, Two Injured By ULFA(I) Militants in Assam's Tinsukia", "India: Suspected separatists shoot dead five in Assam", "Egypt: Deadly attack on bus near Coptic Christian monastery", "Coptic Church: Attack on Christians in Egypt Kills 7", "IS attack on Christian pilgrims in Egypt kills 7, wounds 19", "Separatists kidnap 79 pupils in Cameroon's restive northwest", "Venezuela blames Colombia after border ambush kills three", "Venezuelan defense minister: Border ambush kills 3 soldiers", "Isis claims responsibility for Melbourne stabbing rampage", "Melbourne attack: Man shot dead after fire and fatal stabbing", "Taliban deny involvement in Kabul bombing that killed 55", "At least 50 killed in suicide attack on Kabul religious gathering", "At Least 43 Killed in Bombing of Afghan Religious Gathering", "Suicide bombing at Kabul religious gathering kills dozens", "Kabul explosion kills 40 at gathering of clerics", "Attaque au couteau d'un policier: Ouverture d'une enquête contre le suspect Issam T. Pour "tentative d'assassinat dans un contexte terroriste, "Chinese consulate attack: Four killed in thwarted raid in Karachi", "Separatists attack Chinese Consulate in Pakistan, killing 4", "Terror attack on Chinese Consulate in Karachi foiled; 3 terrorists killed - Pakistan", "Attack on Chinese consulate foiled; two policemen martyred", "Two Pakistani Policemen Killed, Guard Wounded in Attack on China Consulate in Karachi: Doctor", "Top army commander confirms suicide bomber killed 34 in Orakzai", "Islamic state claims responsibility for Pakistan market suicide bombing", "Orakzai bomb blast toll rises to 33, with 56 injured at Friday market", "32 killed, 31 injured in explosion in lower Orakzai district: health official - Pakistan", "25 killed, 35 injured in Orakzai market blast | The Express Tribune", "Blast at Market in Northwest Pakistan Kills at Least 25 - The New York Times", "Deadly car bomb attack hits Iran's SE port city of Chabahar", "Suicide bomber kills at least two in attack on southeast Iran...", "Fifth Strasbourg terror victim dies as city holds emotional memorial", "Fallece una cuarta víctima del atentado de Estrasburgo", "Fourth victim of Strasbourg market attack dies - prosecutor", "Strasbourg Christmas market shooting: Gunman at large after three killed", "Police hunt Strasbourg gunman after 3 killed, 13 wounded", "Two female backpackers found killed at Morocco hot spot", "The Latest: Morocco: Slayings of 2 women labeled terror act", "Morocco arrests 3 new suspects in Nordic hikers' killing", "Man sentenced to life for Manchester Victoria station stabbings", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_2018&oldid=989095630, Lists of 21st-century terrorist incidents, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Suicide car bombings, mortar attack, shooting, arson, Rocket attack, suicide car bombings, shooting, Suicide bombings, suicide car bombing, bombing, Melee attack, stabbing, shooting, hostage taking, Suicide bombings, shootings, hostage taking, Various cities across the United States (, List entries must comply with the guidelines outlined in the manual of style under.
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